Daytime Burn Drill
By Radio Room
May 26, 2017

GFC Members gathered this morning to participate in a daytime training evolution. We like to hold these type of training several times a year so that we can have all of our Career staff train together alongside our volunteer firefighters. This mornings drill was also Firefighter Justin Fusaro's last day of his high school internship. Justin graduates from Harriton High School next week and he chose to do his 3 week internship at Gladwyne.

During the burn drill, firefighters simulated a downed firefighter and we were able to use our newly purchased FAST rescue board (link to their website provided below), which is used to quickly and effectively remove a downed firefighter or victim from a hazardous environment. The photographs attached show the firefighters securing the downed firefighter to the board and then taking him up the steps and out of the building. The FAST rescue board made a difficult task very easy.

Great Job to all that attended the drill and we look forward to our next daytime training event!

Special thanks to Fire Marshal Matt Maguire who was on hand to assist us.

Units: Ladder 24 and Air 24
Hyperlinks: Fast Rescue Solutions

Eric Allen May 26, 2017 at 6:38 PM
Really glad to hear that you guys are training with the board, and that it is working for you guys. Thanks for emailing me. It really inspires me to keep the forward movement of FAST Rescue Solutions and the FAST Board.
Train Hard Stay Safe